The stages of the reviewing process of the articles submitted for publication are:

 Step no.1:

Pre-evaluation of the article by checking the security clearances, the scientific format, specific to the journal, and the structures required in the Guidelines for Authors. If the article does not match the subject of the journal, the author / authors will be informed about its rejection from publication. For articles in English, the quality of the translation is analyzed. For each item, the percentage of similarity is checked, through a specialized software. Following the issuance of the report, they are sent to scientific reviewers to evaluate only those articles that have been accepted after verifying the similarity percentage (the coefficient has to be less than 10%).


 Stage no. 2:

Sending the articles to the reviewer(s) for the evaluation of the scientific content and completing the peer-review forms. The identity of the author remains unknown to scientific advisors / reviewers. The authors of the articles do not know the identity of the scientific reviewers and vice-versa, the process thus taking place in a double blind manner.

Based on the recommendations made by the reviewer, members of the Editorial Board can make the following decisions:

  • the paper will be published;
  • the paper will be published, after minor revisions;
  • the paper will be published, after major revisions;
  • the paper will not be published.

In each case, the authors will be informed of the decisions.


Editorial ethics

The Bulletin of the National Defense University "Carol I" supports the highest ethical standards of publications and takes all necessary measures to maintain this level. The authors will send an original work. Articles will not be copied, either on the whole or in part, from other sources. Authors are required not to hide conflicts of interest and the benefits associated with their work.

The Editorial board of the Bulletin of the National Defense University "Carol I" is committed to examining, objectively and equitably, the papers submitted and to resolving the conflict of interests between the authors and scientific reviwers and is committed to providing quick solutions to any differences.